Capsule - Testing Startup Ideas

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Collection of articles and videos describing different ways to test out startup ideas. In general, we want to identify a testable assumption that we need to be true in order for the startup to be successful. There are probably multiple assumptions that need to be tested.


[1] Video by Kevin Hale from YCombinator. This is less dogmatic and codefied than some others in this list but I like it as it is built through a lot of experience and there are several examples from real companies he has had experience with.

[2] This is not the official Lean Startup website but I think this is a really nice presentation of this famous philosophy.

[3], [7] The Lean Canvas is an iteration on a tool I've used in the past called the business model canvas. A few of the boxes are replaced with ones that align a little more to the thinking with the Lean Startup Methodology. If you are looking to build a tech company (non-hardware) then I think you will find this canvas more useful. If you are starting a more traditional business, take a look at [6]. The Lean Canvas helps you run through a number of important considerations when evaluating a business idea. From this canvas exercise you can generate the tests you want to run.

[4] I love Michael Seibel. He is probably my favorite tech founder that I follow. Seibel started Justin.tv which then became Twitch. So he certainly has a massive win on his resume. He now is with YCombinator. Similar to Kevin Hale's [1] talk, this one is less dogmatic but I find it very inspiring, useful, and derived from real experience.

[5] OK, so I mainly picked this one because of the 'RAT Test' acronym. This one focuses entirely on testing your riskiest assumption. All killer, no filler.

[6] The Business Model Canvas is a tool I've used in the past. This is the original "canvas" which was adapted into the Lean Canvas [3]. If you are starting a traditional business (not a tech startup) this Business Model Canvas may prove more useful, keeping the concepts of Key partners, activities, and resources as well as customer relationships.

created by wuliwong

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