Capsule - Ten Advantages Message Lists Have Over Email

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Do you have a message list for your app, website, or business? Do you even know what a message list is? It is similar to the traditional email list but instead of collecting the email addresses of your subscribers, message lists are collections of phone numbers (for SMS) and/or messenger app IDs (like Telegram).

If you start leveraging message lists today, you will create a competitive advantage in your industry but in a few years, message lists will be table stakes just to keep afloat. Get started building a message list for your company today at LiveChime.app.

While email still has many important uses for a company, here are 10 ways which message lists are superior to email.

  1. Immediate Attention: SMS and instant messages are typically opened and read within minutes[1] of being received, unlike emails which can sit unopened in an inbox for days or even get buried under other mails.
  2. Higher Open Rates: SMS boasts an open rate of nearly 98% [2], which is significantly higher than the average email open rate.
  3. Direct Engagement: Messaging platforms provide a more personal and direct line of communication. It feels more like a one-on-one conversation compared to the broadcast nature of email.
  4. Less Clutter: The vast amount of promotional emails people receive daily can bury important messages. In contrast, messaging platforms usually have less spam, making each message more likely to stand out.
  5. Mobile-First: As mobile phone usage continues to rise, so does the convenience of reaching users on devices they check frequently. Messaging aligns with this mobile-first trend, whereas email might be checked less often on mobile [3].
  6. Interactive: Some messaging platforms allow for rich media, interactive buttons, or even chatbots, facilitating a more engaging and interactive experience than traditional emails [4]. At LiveChime we leverage this with our integration to the Telegram messaging app. Your subscribers will be able to interact with our chatbot to manage their subscriptions.
  7. Fewer Filters: Emails often have spam filters, categorizations (e.g., "Promotions" tab in Gmail), and other barriers that can prevent them from reaching the recipient's main inbox. SMS and messages have fewer such barriers.
  8. Opt-in Nature: Many messaging platforms require users to opt-in, ensuring a higher level of engagement and interest from subscribers. This can lead to a more receptive audience [5].
  9. Concise Content: The character limits on platforms like SMS force businesses to be concise and to-the-point, often leading to clearer communication.
  10. Better for Time-Sensitive Information: Due to their immediate nature, messaging platforms are ideal for time-sensitive promotions, reminders, or updates.

Message lists clearly have distinct advantages but they also come with challenges like maintaining user privacy, ensuring you have explicit permission to message subscribers (to avoid potential legal issues), and managing potential costs associated with sending SMS. Luckily, if you use LiveChime.app we handle all of the difficulties and help you keep costs controlled. Open up an account today for free and get started building your competitive advantage.

created by wuliwong

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