Capsule - SocialMedia profile link applications

total votes: 1

A list of the different services that people use for their profile link in their social media profiles.

  1. Linktree [1] is the most popular. They seem to be credited with identifying the issue that most social media platforms only allow you to post one link and most social media users do not want to maintain a full featured website. Linktree offered a solution that is an easily configured single page where you just add links. In general these are links to all the person's social media profiles.

    Their premium offerings mainly offer more customization options, more analytics, and some integrations like mailchimp. The premium features do not seem to add much value to most users.

  2. AllMyLinks[2] seems to be nearly a clone of Linktree. I'm not sure what differentiates it if anything but I do see it used. Possibly some pricing differences or something. Worth looking into. It seems that AllMyLinks is entirely free. It must have some cross promotional possibilities with some revenue generating product or service.
  3. hoo.be[3] is another option that also seems like a clone of Linktree. Further investigation to determine the differentiation.

  4. newsin.bio[4] seems to be a product offered by socialnewsdesk.com. I believe socialnewsdesk has been around and offers a lot of other services, my guess is they added this simple social profile link page to stay in pace with what was offered by linktree and the like. Ultimately, this page is confusing and doesn't provide any value to a user that clicks on it from instagram, etc.
  5. instabio.cc[5] Not too much that jumps out at me to differentiate it from other link in bio products.

  6. livechime.app[6] A link in bio product focused on building up messaging lists using SMS and telegram. This product actually differentiates itself from Linktree. The focus on easily building message lists is something that Linktree doesn't really offer.

created by wuliwong

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