Capsule - Live Streaming Market Analysis

total votes: 1

According to [1] the live streaming market size for 2021 was $37.35 billion and projected to grow to $252.78 billion by 2029.

According to [2] the video streaming market size for 2021 was $375.1 billion ($162 billion in N. America) and projected to grow to $1.72 trillion by 2030.

According to [3] the live streaming market size for 2021 was $988 million and projected to grow to $4.29 billion by 2029.

According to [4] the live streaming market size for 2021 was $52.9 billion* and is projected to grow to $534.37 billion by 2030.

According to [5] the live streaming market size for 2021 was $38.31 billion and projected to grow to $215.67 billion* by 2028

* I calculated this value based on the numbers and percentages given in the report.

created by wuliwong

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